International Summer Internship in Mathematics

Mehta Fellowships in Mathematics for PROMYS ( Program in mathematics for young student) 2022
Fellowships cover the full cost of participation in PROMYS including tuition, housing and meals for six weeks, visa fees, and roundtrip travel to the United States.
Organised by: Boston University, USA in Offline Mode
What is it and what it's Eligibility
It is a challenging six-week mathematics summer programme for mathematically talented secondary and higher secondary students (Standards IX to XII or equivalent).
PROMYS seeks to encourage mathematical habits of mind that support curiosity, creativity, collaboration, and independence in facing unfamiliar mathematical challenges.
How to apply?
1) Application Problem Set: You have to solve a mathematics assignment available at
2) Submit your application form here
3) Ask your maths teacher to recommend you through
4) Ask your parents to submit the scholarship form through
Last Date: 15th March 2022
More Details and registration: